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Chapter 9

Eternal Verity for Chapter 9

I am the light!

Sacred Direction

Within - here and now. Place of union, love and reverence where all are joined. The energy of being connected.


A Prayer for Security in Trusting

Glorified with God’s glory,

leaving no room for the glorification of my humanhood,

today is the day the radiance of God shines light

upon the shadows of my fears.

No longer being evasive to spirit’s movement in my life,

I revel in the remembrance of my true self.

Rushing like the cascading waters of a fall

toward the calm pool below, I am once again

tranquil and secure in knowing who I am.

Fears dissolve as consciousness unfolds.

It’s no longer mind over mind or mind over matter;

it’s divine consciousness becoming flesh as me.

Spirit, the soul of my soul is flooded with the Sea of splendor,

as I dance in the arms of life.

My joy like thunder in the heavens shakes

me free from the shackles of fear.

Today is the day the radiance of God

shines its light on the darkest recesses of my mind,

liberating me from whatever fears have inhibited and imprisoned

my soul’s grand expression in this world of form.

Boldly I trust the mysteries of my being.

Remembering the first utterance: which is beyond words.

Coming with love, Spirit sings without tongues.

No longer hiding, but secure in who I am,

I bring blessing to wherever I step.

I know the seeds from my walk find roots

so deep no fear can eradicate.

Even the most tyrannical of shadows cannot destroy

my trust in the fulfillment of the Higher Power

for I hear the comforting wordless voice within.

I live and create from the vast enlightened sea of the Beloved.

Grateful for the awareness

of the God presence as my consciousness,

I find my inner thoughts spiritualizing themselves

as my outer physical world.

Relieved that the healing of situations doesn’t come from me

but through me, I relinquish my stress,

fear and concerns that good depends on me.

I thankfully yield my right of way to thy Infinite Way,

which is seeking expression as my life,

and healing happens now!

And So it is!

Rev. Christian


Zen Story

Working Very Hard

A martial arts student went to his teacher and said earnestly, "I am devoted to studying your martial system. How long will it take me to master it." The teacher's reply was casual, "Ten years." Impatiently, the student answered, "But I want to master it faster than that. I will work very hard. I will practice everyday, ten or more hours a day if I have to. How long will it take then?" The teacher thought for a moment, "20 years

Christian Buddha

One of master Gasan's monks visited the university in Tokyo. When he returned, he asked the master if he had ever read the Christian Bible. "No," Gasan replied, "Please read some of it to me."

The monk opened the Bible to the Sermon on the Mount in St. Matthew, and began reading. After reading Christ's words about the lilies in the field, he paused. Master Gasan was silent for a long time. "Yes," he finally said, "Whoever uttered these words is an enlightened being. What you have read to me is the essence of everything I have been trying to teach you here!"


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